I'm trying to SUM two rows obtained from differente SQL queries in UNION, is this possible? All I can achieve is the two separate rows but I can't SUM them, DB engine keeps me telling that there's an error in the syntax near the *) FROM (the part next to the SUM)...
Here's the query:
(SELECT COUNT(*) as cntclients
(SELECT DISTINCT clientkey AS clients
FROM <table>
WHERE <conditions...>)
) AS clients
) cntclients
(SELECT SUM(occurrences) AS cntclientsad
FROM <table2>
WHERE <conditions...>
This throws me for example:
Adding a SELECT SUM(*) FROM instead of the SELECT * FROM in the first line, and surrounding the two queries with parentheses just throws me the mentioned error...
I would like
cntclients <- or whatever name...
Any ideas how this sum should work?
You don't actually need to use a UNION
for this - you can just add them together manually:
SELECT a.countKey + b.sumOccur as total
FROM (SELECT COUNT(DISINCT clientkey) as countKey
FROM <table>
WHERE <conditions>) as a
CROSS JOIN (SELECT SUM(occurrences) as sumOccur
FROM <table2>
WHERE <conditions>) as b