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JMockit - Expectations and static methods

I'm trying to mock a method to have it return one specific object:

  private static final String PARAM = "somevalue";
  public void jmockit() {

   final PojoClass dfault = new PojoClass();

   new NonStrictExpectations() {
       StaticFacade mcfg;
          StaticFacade.getPojo(PARAM); returns(dfault);

    PojoClass a = StaticFacade.getPojo(PARAM);



But I'm facing 2 issues:

  1. I'm getting a 'No current invocation available' at the returns call
  2. If I try to add the result variable I get compilation problems.

I'm using JDK1.5. Any ideas?


  • So looks like in the end it was a setup issue: I had an older version of JMockit and a eclipse signed JUnit jar. Updating the jars to the latest versions (Jmockit 0.999-12 and JUnit 4.10) fixed the issue.