i have been planning on making a 2d mmorpg game for a long time. I have learned java and android programming for a few years, and also i learned some c++. I know all of the basic of c++ because it is kind of like java. one thing i do not know and i have been searching all over for is using graphics, and in the near future also making an mmorpg. can anyone recommend on any tutorials? or can help me in any way? i am using Eclipse for Java and Code::blocks for c++. am i using the right programs?
Thank you!
BTW, sorry if it is the wrong place to ask, if it is, please tell me where i can ask it.
Well for Graphics you should probably go with OpenGL. But as you are making a game it might be wise to use either SDL or SFML. In this case I would advise SFML. SFML is opengl friendly, it basically uses it! But it also comes with other packages such as networking and sound.
This is the link to the SFML library: http://www.sfml-dev.org/ This is the link to SDL: http://www.libsdl.org/
If you want though you could try out using just OpenGL but it adds more development time as you need to learn the platform specific library (Win32 API for windows, X11 Window for linux, not sure about mac) to create the window OpenGL renders to. Whereas SDL and SFML are already prepared for each OS and will greatly reduce the time you spend on writing code for making your game.
Go with whatever you wish, but I highly recommend that you use an already made game development library.
Edit: Note that you can use OpenGL functions whilst using SDL or SFML. Essentially they are a wrapper around the platform specific libraries. Thank you KillianDS for pointing out that I had not been clear about that fact.