I am trying to patch the JsonRest query method. Nothing I do seams to have an effect. Below I would expect the query method to no longer work and just write "monkey punching a duck." out to the console. But alas the entire app keeps on working ignoring my blatant attempt to break it. Do I need to patch a specific instance?
(function(query, options){dojo.store.JsonRest.query=function(){console.info("monkey punching a duck.");};})();
aprStore = new dojo.store.JsonRest({"target":"/web/rest/apr/","idProperty":"ID"});
var sqry = "?nq=aquerytorun";
The main goal is I want at the underlying xhrGet so I can attach a callback to the error property. The .query(function,function) is ignoring my error function passed in as the second parameter. http 302 is what is driving me nuts at the moment.
It's not 100% clear what you're trying to do, but I suspect you need to put your function on the prototype object of that JsonRest thing:
dojo.store.JsonRest.prototype.query = function() { ... };
Then instances made from that constructor will have access to your "query" function.