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Monkey patch not firing. (Guess this Monkey cant punch ducks.)

I am trying to patch the JsonRest query method. Nothing I do seams to have an effect. Below I would expect the query method to no longer work and just write "monkey punching a duck." out to the console. But alas the entire app keeps on working ignoring my blatant attempt to break it. Do I need to patch a specific instance?

(function(query, options){{"monkey punching a duck.");};})();
aprStore = new{"target":"/web/rest/apr/","idProperty":"ID"});
var sqry = "?nq=aquerytorun";

The main goal is I want at the underlying xhrGet so I can attach a callback to the error property. The .query(function,function) is ignoring my error function passed in as the second parameter. http 302 is what is driving me nuts at the moment.


  • It's not 100% clear what you're trying to do, but I suspect you need to put your function on the prototype object of that JsonRest thing: = function() { ... };

    Then instances made from that constructor will have access to your "query" function.