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getElementsByTagName issue

  1. I have page with many doubleclick scripts
  2. I have js code inserted at the body top (via s.src=('parts_async_dev.js')):

    var innerHTML = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML.toString();
    var regexp = /;
    var matches = innerHTML.match(regexp);
    alert('found ' + matches.length + ' tags by regexp ' + regexp);
    console.log( innerHTML);

alert says that matches returns only 2 of tags. I thought first that code can not access whole body if not placed at the body very bottom. But it finds 2 tags inside div "interstitial_wrapper" which comes after my code.

So my questions are:

  • why is it so
  • How to access whole body form body start ( i may not use body 'onload' event. it is required to use script asap)

Please take a look at and see view source, because it is too large to include here.


  • You don't have to bind to the onload event. Just bind to the DOMContentLoaded event.

    Since you've already included jQuery in your page, this can esily be done using .ready:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        var innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML;
        /* If you want to use a RegExp, use the following:
        var regexp = /ad\.doubleclick\.net/gi; // Note: escaped dot
        var matches = innerHTML.match(regexp);
        matches = matches ? matches.length : 0; // matches can be `null`
        // This is more effective:
        var matches = innerHTML.split('').length - 1;
        alert('Found ' + matches + ' tags.');
        console.log( innerHTML );