I have used setColumns function to show/hide columns dynamically on client-side.
Now I want to save the selected columns to local cache. how to do that.
the following is the code I have used
$("#spsGrid").navButtonAdd('#prPager', {
caption: "Show/Hide Columns",
title: "Click here to select Columns to view",
onClickButton: function() {
var params = {width:500,modal:true,drag:true};
position: "last"
Now, whenever the user selects few columns and clicks ok button inside the dialog box, I have to extract the selected columns and save it as user preferences. So, How can we attach an event to OK button inside this Show/Hide columns dialog box?
As SetColoumns plugin is not supported directly by JQGrid, I have used ColumnChooser option. It solved my problem.
Refer this link Is there a full working example for a jqGrid ColumnChooser?