Can anyone tell me how to create an extraction rule that will allow me to pull an ID from an MVC querystring?
User hits site, and clicks "Add new"
The site will instantly create a new item and redirect them to the viewitem page. The id i would like to extract lives within the response after item/view/####
Current recorded code for webtest:
var request4 = new WebTestRequest((Context["WebServerAddress"] + "/Item/Create"));
request4.Method = "POST";
var request4Body = new FormPostHttpBody();
request4.Body = request4Body;
yield return request4;
request4 = null;
//server redirect response happens now
var request5 =
new WebTestRequest((Context["WebServerAddress"] + "/Item/Edit/?needIdForHere"));
yield return request5;
request5 = null;
Any ideas?
Many thanks,
you may get more mileage setting the value from the WebTestContext.LastResponse.ResponseUri
as an extraction rule is designed for iterating over the response body.