Buttons are slow on mobiles (at least 300ms delay in most browsers due to drag detection among other things). Google wrote some javascript to fix this: http://code.google.com/mobile/articles/fast_buttons.html
The Mobile HTML5 Boilerplate people integrated this into their package: https://github.com/h5bp/mobile-boilerplate/blob/master/js/mylibs/helper.js#L86
I want to figure out how I can easily use this with backbone. Something like:
events: {
"fastbutton button.save": "save"
Where fastbutton replaces click or mousedown with the fast button code. I expect that I will need to rewrite the MPB.fastbutton code a bit. Has anybody done this?
Instead of creating 'fastbuttons' everywhere, it's probably saner to use a library like FastClick that will transparently convert touches to click events on the touched element and get rid of that 300ms delay.
It's as easy as new FastClick(document.body)
and you're ready to go.
The advantage of that approach is that if or when the behaviour of touch events changes on mobile devices so that there's no delay on elements with a click event registered, you can just change one line of code to drop the library instead of changing all your code to convert 'fastbuttons' to regular buttons. Maintainability is always good.