I need a tip in creating a C++ utility. I'm implementening an optimization algorithm, and at a certain step, I would need to create as much new variables as the iterations of a cycle. There's some code that would explain it better:
for(int i=1;i<112;i++){
struct nodo n_2i[111-i];
The structure nodo is defined as:
struct nodo{
int last_prod;
int last_slot;
float Z_L;
float Z_U;
float g;
bool fathomed;
I would like the names of the new variables (arrays of structures) to be n_21,n_22,n_23,...etc. How can I handle that?
Why do you need the name to be n_21. you can use a vector of vector.
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<vector<struct nodo> > n;
for(int i=1;i<112;i++){
n.push_back(vector<struct nodo>(111-i));
// you can use n[0] ... n[111] now