I have a select list with dynamic content such
Honorar, 120.00
Porti, 7.50
Spesen, 12.00
This values are stored x_ko_leistungsart. I am selecting only one option (no multi selection) and would like to have the values after comma such 120.00 for Honorar and 7.50 if the the option porti is selected.
I am using the following function to get these values. unfortunately it does not work. I get only the value 10 assiged...
Could you please have a look to the code where the mistake can be? Regards thanks mpol_ch
function SelectAnsatz() {
document.fkostenedit.x_ko_ansatz.value = '10';
var Ansatz=0;
var splitted;
var elements = document.getElementsByName("x_ko_leistungsart[]");
splitted = elements.nextSibling.nodeValue.split(",");
Ansatz = parseFloat(splitted[1]);
document.fkostenedit.x_ko_ansatz.value = Ansatz.toFixed(2);
Take a look at document.getElementsByName("x_ko_leistungsart[]");
I'll give you a hint: The "value" you're getting from that is not what you're expecting. You can reduce at least two lines of code by expanding on the getElementByName function.
You can find more information here: http://www.w3schools.com/dom/dom_nodes_get.asp