I have 2 tables Thread and Posts, i would like to search my posts and order by thread with most matches.
Right now i have this:
SELECT Threads.*
FROM Posts
INNER JOIN Threads ON Posts.ThreadID=Threads.ThreadID
WHERE Posts.Content LIKE '%" . $search . "%'
OR Posts.User LIKE '%" . $search ."%'
You could add a join to calculate the number of posts per thread. Since you're not selecting any columns from Posts, that's the only join you'll need.
select t.*
from Threads t
join (
select ThreadID
, count(*) as PostCount
from Posts
where p.Content LIKE '%" . $search . "%'
or p.User LIKE '%" . $search ."%'
group by
) PostCount
on PostCount.ThreadID = t.ThreadID
order by
PostCount.PostCount desc