I'm trying to use a Web content Display to show all the files in a particular folder of document library.
I would like to keep customize the choice of the folder.
Do you know if exist a dynamic element in template that point to a folder not to a specific field in the document library?
If is not possible someone know a different way to do that?
thanks in advance
You can create structure that holds text field for folderId named "folderId".
Than create template
#set($service = $serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service.DLFileEntryLocalService"))
#set($gid = $getterUtil.getLong($request.get("theme-display").get("scope-group-id")))
#set($fid = $getterUtil.getLong($folderId.getData()))
#set($files = $service.getFileEntries($gid, $fid))
#foreach($doc in $files)
#set($uet = $httpUtil.encodeURL($htmlUtil.unescape($doc.getTitle())))
<a href="/documents/$gid/$fid/$uet">$doc.getTitle()</a><br />
Create article by that template/structure and enter folder id that you want to display. Add "Web content display" portlet that displays this article.
For Liferay 6.1 method signature was changed and is
List<DLFileEntry> getFileEntries(long groupId, long folderId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator obc)
So for liferay 6.1 you should change call to be at least
#set($files = $service.getFileEntries($gid, $fid, -1, -1, null))
or change for start/end/sort.