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Can a liferay hook xml contain 2 servlet-filter configurations?

I have created a hook in liferay with given xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hook PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Hook 7.2.0//EN" "">

        <servlet-filter-name>Servlet Request Filter</servlet-filter-name>
        <servlet-filter-name>Servlet Request Filter</servlet-filter-name>       
        <servlet-filter-name>Servlet Request DocumentDownloadFilter</servlet-filter-name>

        <servlet-filter-name>Servlet Request DocumentDownloadFilter</servlet-filter-name>

After deploying this hook I am seeing this exception:

The content of element type "hook" must match "(portal-properties?,language-properties*,custom-jsp-dir?,custom-jsp-global?,indexer-post-processor*,service*,servlet-filter*,servlet-filter-mapping*,struts-action*)".

If I comment out one or the other servlet config the hook is deployed correctly and I am able to see in the logs that the filters are working. From the DTD I understand the I should be able to put many servlet-filter and servlet-filter-mapping, so I am not sure where did I made the mistake. DTD documentation

If an element name in DTD is followed by the star [*], this element can occur zero, once or several times.

Is it possible to create 2 servlet filters in one liferay hook?


  • Finaly I have managed to put 2 filters. The only problem was really my xml. I I was not aware that the order of elements in XML matteres. I was puting element in order:

    • servlet-filter
    • servlet-filter-mapping
    • servlet-filter
    • servlet-filter-mapping

    which was causing xml validation exception.

    Puting elements in order:

    • servlet-filter
    • servlet-filter
    • servlet-filter-mapping
    • servlet-filter-mapping

    solved the issue. Both filters are working. What helped me during the process was the online validator: where I was able to track the problem easier than redeploying the app. Final xml looks like:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE hook PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Hook 7.2.0//EN" "">
            <servlet-filter-name>Servlet Request Filter</servlet-filter-name>
            <servlet-filter-name>Servlet Request DocumentDownloadFilter</servlet-filter-name>
            <servlet-filter-name>Servlet Request Filter</servlet-filter-name>       
            <servlet-filter-name>Servlet Request DocumentDownloadFilter</servlet-filter-name>