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Rails for Zombie Level 5, Challenge 1

I'm not actually sure what they are asking me to do.

This is the question:

Create a resources route for zombies


class ZombiesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    render :text => 'success', :layout => nil

My code:

RailsForZombies::Application.routes.draw do
  match 'zombie' => 'Zombies#index'

I'm not sure what it means by a 'resources route'; I at first assumed it wanted me to set a parameter in the url to match, but there is nothing to match to in the controller. Could someone please explain this?


  • "Match" is for matching URL strings to a controller/action.

    A resource route looks like this:

    resources :photos

    You use the "plural" of the word. What that does is gives you the 7 "rest" urls for photos. New, create, edit, update, show, destroy and index.

    But you need a table in your database called Photos for this to work.