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MSVC++ variadic macro expansion

So I've got a macro that works nicely in GCC, but not in Microsoft's C++ Compiler. I'm hoping somebody might know of a workaround, or perhaps can explain to me why it behaves this way.

I'm sure this macro isn't exactly "standard", but it would really help me out.

Here is a functional example of the macro:

#define VA_NARGS_IMPL(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, N, ...) N
#define VA_NARGS(...) VA_NARGS_IMPL(__VA_ARGS__, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

#define FULLY_EXPANDED(count, ...) \
  MAC ## count (__VA_ARGS__)

#define SEMI_EXPANDED(count, ...) FULLY_EXPANDED(count, __VA_ARGS__)


#define ACTUAL_MACRO(x) parent->GetProperty<x>();
#define MAC1(a) ACTUAL_MACRO(a)
#define MAC2(a,b) MAC1(a) ACTUAL_MACRO(b)
#define MAC3(a,b,c) MAC2(a,b) ACTUAL_MACRO(c)
#define MAC4(a,b,c,d) MAC3(a,b,c) ACTUAL_MACRO(d)
#define MAC5(a,b,c,d,e) MAC4(a,b,c,d) ACTUAL_MACRO(e)

Here is how I might use this macro:

struct MyStructure
  void Foo()
    EXPAND_THESE(Property1, Property2, Property3, Property4)

  Base * parent;

Here's how GCC expands the above:

struct MyStructure
  void Foo()

  Base * parent;

But Microsoft for some reason expands all my __VA_ARGS__ as one argument:

struct MyStructure
  void Foo()
    parent->GetProperty<Property1, Property2, Property3, Property4>();

  Base * parent;

Does anybody know why this is? Is there some trick I can pull to get Microsoft to expand this like GCC? Maybe toss in a couple extra pairs of parentheses?

Macros like this could really help me out in replacing a bunch of "glue" code, but because of this problem, I can't move it into my VS project. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



  • Coincidentally, I happened to run into this problem just today, and after enough effort I think I've found a solution for my own purposes. The bug is MSVC treats __VA_ARGS__ as a single token in argument lists. But you can work around this by not using it directly within a macro call argument list. This comment suggests the start of an answer to your problems:

    #define VA_NARGS(...) VA_NUM_ARGS_IMPL_((__VA_ARGS__, 5,4,3,2,1))
    #define VA_NARGS_IMPL_(tuple) VA_NUM_ARGS_IMPL tuple
    #define VA_NARGS_IMPL(_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,N,...) N

    But then I suspect you'll likely run into the issue of making sure that gets fully expanded to the actual "N" you want, and not to VA_NARGS_IMPL (arg1, arg2, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1), say. I found that my code (which looked like yours) had to change to expand MAC##code all as one unit, and then that had to be separately combined with the argument list. Here's the code that I found worked for me:

    #define ASSERT_HELPER1(expr) singleArgumentExpansion(expr)
    #define ASSERT_HELPER2(expr, explain) \
       twoArgumentExpansion(expr, explain)
     * Count the number of arguments passed to ASSERT, very carefully
     * tiptoeing around an MSVC bug where it improperly expands __VA_ARGS__ as a
     * single token in argument lists.  See these URLs for details:
    #define COUNT_ASSERT_ARGS_IMPL2(_1, _2, count, ...) \
    #define COUNT_ASSERT_ARGS_IMPL(args) \
    #define COUNT_ASSERT_ARGS(...) \
       COUNT_ASSERT_ARGS_IMPL((__VA_ARGS__, 2, 1, 0))
     /* Pick the right helper macro to invoke. */
    #define ASSERT_CHOOSE_HELPER2(count) ASSERT_HELPER##count
     /* The actual macro. */
    #define ASSERT_GLUE(x, y) x y
    #define ASSERT(...) \
    int foo()
      ASSERT(one); // singleArgumentExpansion(one)
      ASSERT(two, "foopy"); // twoArgumentExpansion(two, "foopy")

    My mind is too much mush after a few hours solving my own issues to then go and completely solve yours, I'm sorry to say. :-) But I think this is enough to get you to something that works, with a little work.