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"Unresolved inclusion" error with Eclipse CDT for C standard library headers

I set up CDT for eclipse and wrote a simple hello world C program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){
    puts("Hello, world.");
    return 0;

The program builds and runs correctly, but eclipse keeps showing this yellow question mark by the side of inclusion statement that says "Unresolved inclusion: <stdio.h>" when I put mouse over it.

It doesn't affect running of the program but I find it rather annoying.

Does anyone have any idea how to remove it?


  • The compiler Eclipse is using is able to resolve the symbols just fine, so the code will compile fine.

    But the code-completion/indexer or preprocessor Eclipse is using doesn't know where stdio.h exists.

    You need to specify the filesystem path where stdio.h is located.

    The Eclipse documentation describes this in several sections for the compiler:

    And if the code-completion/indexer or preprocessor specifically also cannot locate stdio.h:

    The exact location of stdio.h will depend on the system you are intending to write the code for. If you are writing code for the same system you are running Eclipse on, then the standard location is /usr/include/stdio.h for Linux, macOS, Cygwin, etc.

    If you are cross-compiling for a separate/remote target system (e.g. Android, Raspberry Pi, STM32), then it will be located somewhere in the SDK you installed for that system. You will need to refer to that particular SDK documentation.