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SPSS Macro to Automate Sequential Variable References

I've had a tough time getting a simple loop to work in SPSS that isn't based on variables.

In a nutshell, I want to write

!sequentialVars varStr=/Var/ i=/20/.

or similar and get: Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 ... Var19 Var20 to put into a cTable or anywhere else that takes a string of variable names.

In pseudo VB it would be:

varString = "AnyVarName"
for i=1 to 20
  newVarList = concatenate(newVarList," ",varString, i)
next i

I can't even echo back the i in an SPSS loop, let alone concatenate it.

Thank you!


  • The example below demonstrates making a list of variables within a macro. What it does is loop through 1 to n, and concatenates the number on the end of the current variable (base_i). Then the X1 + X2 .... is made by just adding on for every variable through the loop. The macro takes the arguments base variable and the number of items.

    *making filler data frame.
    data list free / V1 (F1.0).
    begin data
    end data.
    dataset name input.
    *making a vector list.
    vector X(5,F1.0).
    do repeat X = X1 to X5.
    compute X = RV.BERNOULLI(0.5).
    end repeat.
    *what I want to do essentially.
    /table X1 + X2.
    *now to demonstrate looping through list.
    DEFINE !loop_ctable (base = !TOKENS(1)
                         /n = !TOKENS(1))
    !DO !I = 1 !TO !n
        !IF (!I = 1) !then
            !LET !base_stub = !concat(!base,"1")
            !LET !base_i = !CONCAT(!base,!I)
            !LET !base_stub = !concat(!base_stub," + ",!base_i)
    /table !base_stub.
    set mprint on.
    !loop_ctable base = X n = 5.

    I can think of a way to loop through letters (at least through the initial letters of the alphabet), although hopefully this suffices.