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if an output is logical(0) skip the current iteration and move on to the next in R

I have a for loop in R. Inside the for loop I have

kl<-stri_detect_fixed(nn, "new")

In some cases, kl is logical(0). If this is the case I want to skip the current iteration and move on to the next in R.

I tried something like

if (is.logical(kl)==T) {

but is does not work. Any ideas?

Many thanks


  • Return value of stringi::stri_detect_fixed() is a logical vector, so is.logical(kl) is always TRUE.
    But you can test if its length is 0:

    lst <- list(a = c("foo", "bar"),
                b = NULL,
                c = "news")
    for (nn in lst){
      kl <- stringi::stri_detect_fixed(nn, "new")
      if (length(kl) < 1) next
      message("no skip for ", paste(nn, collapse = ", "))
    #> no skip for foo, bar
    #> no skip for news

    Or if input is NULL:

    for (nn in lst){
      if (is.null(nn)) next
      kl <- stringi::stri_detect_fixed(nn, "new")
      message("no skip for ", paste(nn, collapse = ", "))
    #> no skip for foo, bar
    #> no skip for news

    Created on 2024-09-21 with reprex v2.1.1