I have looked ALL over (google searched) and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. Is it possible to get a list of the thor tasks defined in the current class? I'm trying to write a method that determines whether or not the argument(s) passed to thor are valid and to do this, I need a list of all the defined tasks. I could just create a list in some constant but I'd rather use built in tools if possible.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'thor'
class Foo < Thor
desc 'task_1', 'The first task'
def task_1
puts 1
end #task_1
desc 'task_2', 'The second task'
def task_2
puts 2
end #task_2
desc 'check_args', 'Checks that the arguments are valid.', :hide => true
# get a list of the tasks defined in this class and check against ARGV
if !valid
invoke :help
end #if
end #check_args
end #Foo
If my question isn't clear enough or I am just going about this ALL wrong, please let me know :)
And of course, right after posting this question, I figure it out.
Foo.tasks would return a hash {task_name => [array of task info]}