I'm programming a Windows form application which automates an old software. For transferring information between that software and my application I use Clipboard. Clicking a button on old software puts some information in the clipboard.
For using Clipboard.GetText I should call it from a windows form. But I don't want everything on UI thread.
When calling Clipboard.GetText in another task I got it says you should call Clipboard.GetText from an STAThread.
If you don't want to use neither Windows.Forms or Wpf clipboard, you can invoke native clipboard api, as shown here:
Sample for getting string from clipboard
var ptr = GetClipboardData(13);
var s = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(ptr);
i have used 13 as clipboard type (CF_UNICODETEXT) Full list you could see here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/windows/desktop/ff729168(v=vs.85).aspx