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Programmatically creating a CMS/Page in Magento

I saw the following answer to the post Where are Magento static CMS blocks stored? regarding programatically using PHP generating cms/blocks in Magento.

I changed the code to the following

$newBlock = Mage::getModel('cms/page')
      ->setTitle('Test CMS Page Title')
      ->setContent('Hello I\'m a new cms page.')

... and it works. I see a new page show up in the CMS Pages area in the backend.

What I need to add to this is the ability to set the content of the other fields in the CMS/Page. Namely:

  • Layout (trying to set to 1 column)
  • meta keyword
  • meta description

fields. These fields are blank currently. I so far haven't been able to figure this part out.



  • here you go:

    $cmsPageData = array(
        'title' => 'Test CMS Page Title',
        'root_template' => 'one_column',
        'meta_keywords' => 'meta,keywords',
        'meta_description' => 'meta description',
        'identifier' => 'this-is-the-page-url',
        'content_heading' => 'content heading',
        'stores' => array(0),//available for all store views
        'content' => "Hello I'm a new cms page."

    The keys of the array are the name of the fields of the cms_page table (check the db). And to know the value, I manually create the cms page I want and then see the value for this entry in the db.