The Apache Qpid Java client API has an AMQConnection class that is used to make a connection to a Qpid message broker. I'm using the single-String constructor (AMQConnection(String connection)
). I have a utility method that creates the connection string first, which is then passed to the AMQConnection constructor.
The connection string is of the form amqp://<username>:<password>@<clientID>/?brokerlist='tcp://<hostname>:<port>'
If the constructor is passed a connection string with incorrect syntax, it throws a URLSyntaxException
I would like to move the connection string syntax check to the utility method (I'm of the opinion that it shouldn't be able to return broken information), but I have not found any way of validating the connection string short of trying to set up a connection to the message broker. Is there any way of doing this, or do I just have to rely on the URLSyntaxException
being thrown from the constructor?
Do you only want to check the URI for correct syntax? If so, simply create an instance of URI
new URI("amqp://user:pwd@42/?brokerlist='tcp://'")
This throws an
when URI is not syntactically correct.
If you need to check the URI for AMQ-specific options, you might have two have a look at AMQ source code and find a class that validates/parses this.