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Toggle Galleria Full Screen Mode

I am wondering if anyone knows how to toggle between full screen and normal mode in Galleria

The only way I can think of is to switch between themes : default, and Fullscreen theme (which i bought from there)

If you know an even better way, I would appreciate your help.


  • I’m just going to add to @Ohgodwhy’s answer:

    The best way to get the Galleria instance and use the API is to use the Galleria.ready function:

    Galleria.ready(function() {
      var gallery = this; // galleria is ready and the gallery is assigned
      $('#fullscreen').click(function() {
        gallery.toggleFullscreen(); // toggles the fullscreen

    Or, you can access the instance via the $.data object if you know that the gallery is initialized:

    $('#fullscreen').click(function() {
      $('#galleria').data('galleria').toggleFullscreen(); // toggles the fullscreen

    I am assuming you have a link/button with the ID 'fullscreen' and the gallery is at ID 'galleria'.