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how to convert a raw readme file to html formated document after geting it from github in angular js

I used the following controller but how to format each line of the README.MD raw file to html document

    angular.module('ExampleApp', [])
  .controller('ExampleController', function($scope, Slim,$sce) {
    Slim.getReadme().then(function(resp) {
      $scope.readme = $sce.trustAsHtml(;
    }).catch(function(resp) {
      console.log("catch", resp);
  .service('Slim', function($http) {
    return {
      getReadme: function() {
        return $http.get("", {
          headers: {
            "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3.raw"

I would be excited to know transformation of raw readme file to a formatted html page


  • to format each line of the README.MD raw file to html document..

    Response you are getting from github API is plain markdown. So you just need to:

    • render the using a suitable markdown-to-html library before you actually bind it to scope. Here's an example using marked.js

       $scope.readme = $sce.trustAsHtml($scope.parseMD(;

      Where parseMD is a function that returns rendered HTML

       $scope.parseMD = function(md_content){
            return marked(md_content);
    • bind the output as html using ng-bind-html

       <div ng-bind-html="readme"></div>

    What you do in parseMD is really upto you, its just a matter of choice. Here are some popular markdown-to-HTML libraries:

    • marked // Easy to understand/dive into the code
    • markdown-js // supports maruku as-well-as gruber dialect
    • showdown.js // forked as PageDown in stackexchange

    All these libraries seem to go well with Github Flavored Markdown

    Here's the DEMO