I have a User model that can post microblogs and it shows up on the user show page but I was wondering how would I be able to show the user made microblogs onto a model that the user belongs to for instance in this case a school. Users belong to specific schools and the schools have many users under them. All help much appreciated!
User Show Page
<div id="MicropostBody">
<% if @user.microposts.any? %>
<table class="microposts">
<%= render @microposts %>
<%= will_paginate @microposts %>
<% end %>
School Show Page Same thing?
<div id="MicropostBody">
<% if @user.microposts.any? %>
<table class="microposts">
<%= render @microposts %>
<%= will_paginate @microposts %>
<% end %>
User Controller
def show
@user = User.find(params[:id])
@school = School.find(params[:id])
@micropost = Micropost.new
@microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page])
School Controller Same thing??
def show
@user = User.find(params[:id])
@school = School.find(params[:id])
@micropost = Micropost.new
@microposts = @user.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page])
New School Controller
def show
@school = School.find(params[:id])
@user = User.new
@micropost = Micropost.new
@microposts = @school.microposts.paginate(page: params[:page])
@micropost = current_school.microposts.build
Take a look back at the partials section of the Rails tutorial book before reading any further, if you're still struggling.
<div id="MicropostBody">
<% if microposts.any? %>
<table class="microposts">
<%= render microposts %>
<%= will_paginate microposts %>
<% end %>
Then in both views you can use:
<%= render 'users/microposts', :microposts => @microposts %>