Say that there are three objects, a note, a noteState, and history:
var note = {
text: "hello new world"
var history = {}
var noteState = {}
how would i be able to add note into noteState, and then add noteState into history?
could i potentially do something like:
$.extend(noteState, {"note1": note});
$.extend(history, {"noteState1": noteState});
and if I were to refer back to it to grab the text from note, how would i go about doing so?
history.noteState1.note1.text // ?
or is there another method to go about this? thank you!
Why don't you simply
var note = {
text: "hello new world"
var history = {}
var noteState = {}
noteState.note = note;
history.noteState= noteState;
alert(history.noteState.note.text);//alerts hello new world