I found that idb cannot step into one of my functions.
I am linking a c-program (main.c) with a fortran90 function(func1), that belong to a module(mod1), that links to another function(func2) in another module(mod2). The structure is like that
main.c (c) ---> func1 into mod1 of lib1.a (fortran) ---> func2 into mod2 of lib2.a (fortran)
*The problem is: I am not able to step into func2 with idb. When I try to step in func2 from func1 the debugger goes to the next line in func1. I didn't use gdb because I know that it cannot step into fortran module, can it?
I am compiling with Intel 11.1 with the following flags:
CFLAGS=-ggdb -debug full -O0 -Wall -traceback
F90FLAGS=-g -O0 -check bounds -warn all -traceback -align all -align rec8byte
I don't know what to do, any hint is appreciated
Edit:I I wrote a simple fortran 90 program that calls directly lib2.a without using lib1.a. I find that idb cannot step into lib2.a either.
I compile the library like
ifort -g -O0 -check bounds -warn all -traceback -align all -align rec8byte -o a.o -c a.f90 -I
ifort -g -O0 -check bounds -warn all -traceback -align all -align rec8byte -o b.o -c b.f90 -I
ifort -g -O0 -check bounds -warn all -traceback -align all -align rec8byte -o c.o -c c.f90 -I
ifort -g -O0 -check bounds -warn all -traceback -align all -align rec8byte -o d.o -c d.f90 -I
/u/shared/programs/x86_64/ifort/11.1.064/bin/intel64/xiar rcvf lib2.a a.o b.o c.o d.o
xiar: executing 'ar'
a - a.o
a - b.o
a - c.o
a - d.o
I don't understand what is going wrong, I usually compile libraries like that and the debugger works!
Any idea?
This is the answer I got on the intel forums:
I am using -I without argument: this is wrong and causes the problem.