How do I check for a string occurance in an array? I mean sure I can loop, but is there a standard function?
at first I did:
if(str in ["first", "second", "third"])
but it complained that in
only works with associative arrays.
I tried to quickly lookup the phobos docs but didn't find any module related to arrays.
So is there anything, or do I just have to loop through it manually?
I'm on D1, phobos.
With D1 Phobos, you'll have to do it yourself. But it's not too hard.
bool contains(T)(T[] a, T v)
foreach( e ; a )
if( e == v )
return true;
return false;
Plus, you should be able to use it like this:
auto words = ["first"[], "second", "third"];
if( words.contains(str) ) ...
Hope that helps.
Incidentally, you can modify the above to work as an "indexOf" function:
size_t indexOf(T)(T[] a, T v)
foreach( i, e ; a )
if( e == v )
return i;
return a.length;