I would like to select shapes with specified conditions on a specified page number, select them into an array at once, and group them into groups, but the system displays an error message for "ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(MyArray).Select"
Sub group_all()
Dim X, x_count, x_start, x_end As Integer
Dim S As Shape
Dim MyArray
Dim n As Integer
With ActiveSheet
X = 2
If X = 1 Then
x_start = 1
x_start = .HPageBreaks(X - 1).Location.Row 'x start row
End If
x_end = .HPageBreaks(X).Location.Row - 1 'X end row
MyArray = Array("")
For Each S In .Shapes
If S.Type = msoGroup Then S.Ungroup
Next S
n = 0
For Each S In .Shapes
If (S.Top > Cells(x_start, 10).Top And S.Top < Cells(x_end, 10).Top + Cells(x_end, 10).Height) And InStr(S.Name, "CommandButton") = 0 Then
MyArray = Split(Join(MyArray, ",") & IIf(n = 0, "", ",") & S.Name, ",")
n = n + 1
End If
Next S
End With
'Array("TextBox 4173", "TextBox 4164", "TextBox 4165", "TextBox 4174")
End Sub
How can I fix it, thank you.
accept array as parameter, but it's index must start with 1.
Therefore insert this into your code after the End With
ReDim c(1 To UBound(MyArray) + 1)
For i = 1 To UBound(MyArray) + 1
c(i) = MyArray(i - 1)
Next i
and change parameter