I have a simple pojo:
class UserId {
String ssn;
String otsId;
Integer actorId;
public UserId(String ssn, String otsId, Integer actorId) {
this.ssn = ssn;
this.otsId = otsId;
this.actorId = actorId;
public String toString() {
return "[otsId=" + otsId + ", ssn=" + ssn + ", actorId=" + actorId + "]";
And I want to extract for example all the ssn
values to a List<String>
from there. So just as an example I write:
public class UserIdTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<UserId> list = new ArrayList<UserId>();
list.add(new UserId("111111-1111", "12345678", new Integer(234589235)));
list.add(new UserId("111111-1111", "12345678", new Integer(234589235)));
list.add(new UserId("111111-1111", "12345678", new Integer(234589235)));
private static List<String> getSsnList(List<UserId> users) {
return extract(users, on(UserId.class).ssn);
and LambdaJ throws:
Exception in thread "main" ch.lambdaj.function.argument.ArgumentConversionException: Unable to convert the placeholder null in a valid argument
at ch.lambdaj.function.argument.ArgumentsFactory.actualArgument(ArgumentsFactory.java:76)
at ch.lambdaj.function.convert.ArgumentConverter.<init>(ArgumentConverter.java:29)
at ch.lambdaj.Lambda.extract(Lambda.java:1035)
at UserIdTest.getSsnList(UserIdTest.java:23)
at UserIdTest.main(UserIdTest.java:20)
This seems like a really basic operation so what am I missing here?
Lambdaj wraps your (non-final) classes with a Proxy and intercepts METHOD invocations on them. That means it cannot work on fields but only on methods like that:
extract(users, on(UserId.class).getSsn());