I have a Restlet Service that looks like this:
public String processImmediately(String JSON) {
The intention is to pass a JSON string via POST. The parameter I used (String JSON) indeed contains the whole URL parameters, e.g.
I wonder how I could parse this. On the Restlet website, I found the following:
Form form = request.getResourceRef().getQueryAsForm();
for (Parameter parameter : form) {
System.out.print("parameter " + parameter.getName());
System.out.println("/" + parameter.getValue());
How can I use this in my service method? I am even not able to determine the correct types (e.g. request, form). Do I need the method parameter any longer or is this a replacement?
Your endpoint is being passed the entire query string because you didn't specify which part of it you want to consume. To bind just the JSON
query parameter to your method try something like this:
public String processImmediately(@FormParam("JSON") String json) {
System.out.printf("Incoming JSON, decoded: %s\n", json);
// ....
* EDIT *
You choose your method argument binding based on the expected content type. So for example if your Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded
(Form Data), then you would bind a @FormParam. Alternatively, for Content-Type application/json
you can simply consume the request body as a String.
public String processImmediately(String json) {
System.out.printf("Incoming JSON, decoded: %s\n", json);
// ....
If you find that you have URL encoded data when using the second method, then your client is passing its data to the server incorrectly.