I have a 2d array containing first name, last name, and a third irrelevant piece of data on each row. I need to alphabetize each row based on last name. How can I accomplish this?
I've tried using java.util.Arrays.sort(array[0]); but I can only get it to sort one row or one column. I need to keep the first name and last name together and sort by last name.
so say i have this array
String array [][]=new String[3][2];
which is build like this
Kyle | Johnson
Drew | Anderson
Jacob| Peterson
and i need it to end up like this
Drew | Anderson
Kyle | Johnson
Jacob| Peterson
You can use String.compareTo(String) to get the lexicographic ordering of 2 strings and formulate you own function to do that. The rules are simple (pseudo code):
be [s1,d1] // i.e s1 = Kyle, d1 = Johnson
be [s2,d2]
if (s1 < s2) // means "Does s1 should come before s2 lexicographically" ie. s1.compareTo(s2)
[s1,d1] < [s2,d2]
else if (s1 > s2)
[s2,d2] < [s1,d1]
if (d1 < d2)
see String.compareTo & String.compareToIgnoreCase to understand the return values of these methods