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Struts2 namespace complex configuration

I want to do something like this:

<a href"page1/login.action"> Link </a>
<a href"page2/login.action"> Link </a>
<a href"pagen/login.action"> Link </a>

Then every subfolder will use the same login, then I can create dynamic subfolder

How I have to configure struts.xml? This doesn't work

<package name="default" extends="struts-default" namespace="/*/">
  <action name="login" class="package/myclass">

Any idea?


  • Finally I do:

    <package name="default" extends="struts-default" namespace="/">
      <action name="login" class="package/myclass" method="initCampusList" >
        <result name="success" >/user/pickUser.jsp</result>

    I have to put the absolute url of the result Thanks for the answers