Alright folks, my brain is fried. I'm trying to fix up some EMLs with bad boundaries by replacing the incorrect
lines with more proper
lines, while leaving already correct
lines alone. I've got the whole message in-memory as a String (yes, it's ugly, but JavaMail dies if it tries to parse these), and I'm trying to do a replaceAll on it. Here's the closest I can get.
//Identifie bondary lines that do not end in --
String regex = "^--Boundary_\\([^\\)]*\\)$";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex,
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(targetString);
//Store all of our unique results.
HashSet<String> boundaries = new HashSet<String>();
while (matcher.find())
//Add "--" at the end of the Strings we found.
for (String boundary : boundaries)
targetString = targetString.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(boundary),
boundary + "--");
This has the obvious problem of replacing all of the valid
lines with
However, this is the only setup I've gotten to even perform the replacement. If I try changing Pattern.quote(boundary) to Pattern.quote(boundary) + "$", nothing is replaced. If I try just using matcher.replaceAll("$0--") instead of the two loops, nothing is replaced. What's an elegant way to achieve my aim and why does it work?
There's no need to iterate through the matches with find()
; that's part of what replaceAll()
s = s.replaceAll("(?im)^--Boundary_\\([^\\)]*\\)$", "$0--");
The $0
in the replacement string is a placeholder whatever the regex matched in this iteration.
The (?im)
at the beginning of the regex turns on CASE_INSENSITIVE and MULTILINE modes.