I am running Lazarus 0.9.30.
I have a standard TStringGrid
on a form and want to show a different hint as I move my mouse pointer over a column title. I am using this code to do this and it sort of works but you often have to click on the cell to get the hint to change, when I actually want it to change as the mouse pointer moves over it. I have all the hints stored in a collection that I search through using the column index as the key.
Is there a way to get more smooth display of hints?
procedure TTmMainForm.SgScoutLinkMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
R, C: Integer;
R := 0;
C := 0;
SgScoutLink.MouseToCell(X, Y, C, R);
with SgScoutLink do
if (R = 0) then
if ((C >= 3) and (C <= 20)) then
SgScoutLink.Hint := FManager.ScoutLinkColumnTitles.stGetColumnTitleHint(C-3);
SgScoutLink.ShowHint:= True;
end; {if}
end; {with}
Assign an event handler to the TApplication.OnShowHint
or TApplicationEvents.OnShowHint
event, or subclass the TStringGrid
to intercept the CM_HINTSHOW
message. Any one of those will provide you access to a THintInfo
record that is used to control the behavior of the hint window. You can customize the coordinates of the THintInfo.CursorRect
member as needed. The hint window is reactivated with the latest Hint
property text (which can be customized with the THintInfo.HintStr
member before it is displayed) whenever the mouse moves outside of that rectangle. The smaller the rectangle, the more often the hint window is reactivated. This feature allows a UI control to have multiple subsections within its client area that display different hint strings while the mouse is moving around that same UI control.
The value of the TApplication.HintShortPause
property (or from intercepting the CM_HINTSHOWPAUSE
message) controls whether the hint window disappears before reactivating. If you set the pause value to zero, the hint window updates its text immediately without disappearing. If you set the pause value to a non-zero value, the hint window disappears and then reappears after the specified number of milliseconds have elapsed, as long as the mouse remains over the same UI control.
For example:
procedure TTmMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Application.OnShowHint := AppShowHint;
procedure TTmMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
Application.OnShowHint := nil;
procedure TTmMainForm.AppShowHint(var HintStr: String; var CanShow: Boolean; var HintInfo: THintInfo);
R, C: Integer;
if HintInfo.HintControl = SgScoutLink then
R := 0;
C := 0;
SgScoutLink.MouseToCell(HintInfo.CursorPos.X, HintInfo.CursorPos.Y, C, R);
if (R = 0) and (C >= 3) and (C <= 20) then
HintInfo.CursorRect := SgScoutLink.CellRect(C, R);
HintInfo.HintStr := FManager.ScoutLinkColumnTitles.stGetColumnTitleHint(C-3);
Edit: I just noticed that you are using Lazarus. What I described is how to handle this issue in Delphi. I have no clue if it also applies to Lazarus or not.