I’m generating PDF files from my C# 4.0 windows application using iTextSharp API. I’ll be passing HTML string which will contain Rich Text and Images. My PDF file size is A4 with default margins. Noticed that when I have a large image in dimension (e.g. height="701px" width="935px") , the image is not coming to PDF. Looks like, I have to scale down the image dimension which should be able to fit in the PDF A4 size. I checked this by pasting the image to a word document of A4 size, MS Word automatically scales down the image by 36% i.e. MS Word takes only 64% of the original image dimension and sets the absolute height & width.
Can someone please help to mimic similar behavior in C#?
Let me know how to automatically set an image height & width to fit in A4 PDF file.
That's correct, iTextSharp won't automatically size images that are too big for the document. So it's just a matter of:
Here's one way, see inline comments:
// change this to any page size you want
Rectangle defaultPageSize = PageSize.A4;
using (Document document = new Document(defaultPageSize)) {
PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, STREAM);
// if you don't account for the left/right margins, the image will
// run off the current page
float width = defaultPageSize.Width
- document.RightMargin
- document.LeftMargin
float height = defaultPageSize.Height
- document.TopMargin
- document.BottomMargin
foreach (string path in imagePaths) {
Image image = Image.GetInstance(path);
float h = image.ScaledHeight;
float w = image.ScaledWidth;
float scalePercent;
// scale percentage is dependent on whether the image is
// 'portrait' or 'landscape'
if (h > w) {
// only scale image if it's height is __greater__ than
// the document's height, accounting for margins
if (h > height) {
scalePercent = height / h;
image.ScaleAbsolute(w * scalePercent, h * scalePercent);
else {
// same for image width
if (w > width) {
scalePercent = width / w;
image.ScaleAbsolute(w * scalePercent, h * scalePercent);
The only point worth noting is that imagePaths
above is a string[]
so that you can test what happens when adding a collection of images that are to big to fit in a page.
Another way is to put the image in a one column, single cell PdfPTable:
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1);
table.WidthPercentage = 100;
foreach (string path in imagePaths) {
Image image = Image.GetInstance(path);
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(image, true);
cell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;