Google Maps has the Drawing library to draw Polylines and Polygons and other things.
Example of this functionality here:
I want, when drawing and editing the polygon, to be able to delete one point/vertex on the path. The API docs haven't seemed to hint at anything.
This is currently an outstanding feature request (acknowledged by Google), issue 3760.
Here's my solution: It uses a function that adds a delete button to the passed in polygon (below the undo button).
Alternatively, someone suggested this approach: right-click to delete closest vertex, which works fine but is somewhat lacking in UI finesse. I built on the code from the link to check if the click was inside (or within 1 pixel of) the node - in a JSBin here:
EDIT: as Amr Bekhit pointed out - this approach is currently broken, as the events need to be attached to the polygon.