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Parsing a particular string in Haskell

I'm using the parsec Haskell library.

I want to parse strings of the following kind:





I'm interesting to collect only the values v1 and v2, and store these in a data structure.

I tried with the following code:

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

quantifiedVars = sepEndBy var (string "]]")
var = between (string "[[") (string "") (many (noneOf "]]"))

parseSL :: String -> Either ParseError [String]
parseSL input = parse quantifiedVars "(unknown)" input

main = do {
   c <- getContents;
   case parse quantifiedVars "(stdin)" c of {
      Left e -> do { putStrLn "Error parsing input:"; print e; };
      Right r -> do{ putStrLn "ok"; mapM_ print r; };

In this way, if the input is "[[v1]][[v2]]" the program works fine, returning the following output:



If the input is "xyz[[v1]][[v2]]" the program doesn't work. In particular, I want only what is contained in [[...]], ignoring "xyz".

Also, I want to store the content of [[...]] in a data structure.

How do you solve this problem?


  • You need to restructure your parser. You are using combinators in very strange locations, and they mess things up.

    A var is a varName between "[[" and "]]". So, write that:

    var = between (string "[[") (string "]]") varName

    A varName should have some kind of format (I don't think that you want to accept "%A¤%&", do you?), so you should make a parser for that; but in case it really can be anything, just do this:

    varName = many $ noneOf "]"

    Then, a text containing vars, is something with vars separated by non-vars.

    varText = someText *> var `sepEndBy` someText

    ... where someText is anything except a '[':

    someText = many $ noneOf "["

    Things get more complicated if you want this to be parseable:

    bla bla [ bla bla [[somevar]blabla]]

    Then you need a better parser for varName and someText:

    varName = concat <$> many (try incompleteTerminator <|> many1 (noneOf "]"))
    -- Parses e.g. "]a"
    incompleteTerminator = (\ a b -> [a, b]) <$> char ']' <*> noneOf "]"
    someText = concat <$> many (try incompleteInitiator <|> many1 (noneOf "["))
    -- Parses e.g. "[b"
    incompleteInitiator = (\ a b -> [a, b]) <$> char '[' <*> noneOf "["

    PS. (<*>), (*>) and (<$>) is from Control.Applicative.