Below is a very simplified grammar to illustrate the problem. I likely can handle the existing result in generated code, but suspect there is some more elegant way to instead control the parser. Appreciate any tips.
a: a binop a | unop a
binop: '&'
unop: '~'
code to be parsed
~A & ~B & C
unop (A binop ((unop B) binop C)
(unop A) binop ((unop B) binop C)
Have tried some tips from articles solving related issues, but nothing matching just this - and no success.
You need to do 2 things:
above a BINOP a
to give it a higher precedenceA & B & C
is not parsed as ((A & B) & C)
but as (A & (B & C))
insteadThis grammar:
parse : a EOF;
: UNOP a
| <assoc=right> a BINOP a
| ID
ID : [A-Z]+;
BINOP : '&';
UNOP : '~';
SPACE : [ \t\r\n] -> skip;
will parse your input ~A & ~B & C
as follows: