I use these sentence in C# to retrieve data from tables DetalleContenido and Archivo:
var detallesContenido =
from contenido in guiaContext.Contenido
where contenido.PuntoInteres.id_punto == puntoInteresID
from dc in contenido.DetalleContenido
where dc.Idioma.ds_idioma == idiomaCliente
select dc;
The relationship between tables is this:
I use puntoInteresID and idiomaCliente to retrieve all rows from DetalleContenido and Archivo that are part of PuntoInteres but whith this sentence Archivo is allways null!!
The sql sentece equivalence is:
Select dc.ds_nomDetContenido, dc.ds_descDetContenido, ar.archivo
from Contenido c, DetalleContenido dc, Archivo ar, Idioma i
where c.id_punto = puntoInteresID
and c.id_contenido = dc.id_contenido
and dc.id_idioma = i.id_idioma
and i.ds_idioma = idiomaCliente
and dc.id_archivo = ar.id_archivo;
How can I retrieve Archivo too?
Thank you!
You can also do
on the "reference" properity of the selected object (when you are using them).
But as for your query, it seems your Archivo table is a 1 to many and you cannot "include" or "load" the "many" side of the equasion. You would have to do a "select dc.Archivo" I would think.