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knockout template binding

I have an ul element which is filled through template binding.

<script type="text/html" id="someTemplate">
   <span data-bind="text: someText">

<ul data-bind="template: {foreach: someElemets, name: 'someTemplate'}">

But I want the first li-tag would not be li-tag from template but another one with button in it and it will not be connected to someElemets array. If I do in that way

<ul data-bind="template: {foreach: someElemets, name: 'someTemplate'}">
    <li><button data-bind=click: doSomething">Click me</button></li>

then li-tag with button will be the last one after rendering. What is the best way to solve that problem?


  • You can use containerless control flow syntax, databinding using comment tags. No need for a template. more info

        <li><button data-bind=click: doSomething">Click me</button></li>
        <!-- ko foreach: someElemets-->         
            <span data-bind="text: someText"></span>
        <!-- /ko -->