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How can I close over variables in kdb/Q?

Consider the following function that adds 1 to each element in the list.

f : {{x + 1} each x}

2 3 4

However, the following function does not work -- I'm assuming that the incr identifier is unbound in the latter expression.

f : {incr : 1; {x + incr} each x}

  [3]  f@:{x + incr}

How do I express something like the following in kdb/q?

let f lst = 
  let incr = 1 in (fun x -> x + incr) lst


  • incr does not exist in the inner function.

    See for more details. You need to pass it in from the outer function if you want to use it.

    If what you are trying to achieve is 2 3 4 - you can simply do: 1 2 3+1. You can simply add a list and an atom in kdb. There is no need to use an iterator (each) in this case.

    f 1 2 3

    See and for more details.

    I would also recommend not adding additional whitespace when defining a variable or function in kdb: var:val.