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Error creating my first Mock object

I'm new to this, so doubtlessly I'm doing something silly.

I am trying to create a mock object:

mockCurrencyConversion = mocks.NewMock<ICurrencyConversion>();

and getting this error:

The non-generic method 'NMock2.Mockery.NewMock(System.Type)' cannot be used with type arguments


public interface ICurrencyConversion
    decimal convertCurrency(string fromCurrency, string toCurrency, decimal amount);

    int addNumbers(int i, int j);

    decimal getRate(CurrencyRateResponse rates, string fromCurrency);

    CurrencyRateResponse getCurrencyRates();

    HttpWebRequest GetWebRequest(string formattedUri);

My Test Code:

public class WhygoTest
    private Mockery mocks;
    private ICurrencyConversion mockCurrencyConversion;

    public void SetUp()
        mocks = new Mockery();
        mockCurrencyConversion = mocks.NewMock<ICurrencyConversion>();


    public void MyAddTest()
        var cc = new CurrencyConversion();

        Assert.AreEqual(cc.addNumbers(1, 2), 3);


  • Use the NewMock() method with the type as an argument:

    mockCurrencyConversion = 
        (ICurrencyConversion) mocks.NewMock(typeof(ICurrencyConversion));