A while ago, I was writing some code, but accidentally deleted some good code while I was deleting bad code. From then on I started creating versions of my files, I would name each file with the date and a version number.
However, this is a pain in the ass, having to give a unique name to each file and then going to my core file and changing the reference to the name of the new file.
And then, just the other day, I accidentally overwrote something important even with this method, probably because of a typo in naming.
Needless to say, this method sucks.
I'm looking for suggestions on better practices, better tools. I've been looking at version control, but a lot of them, Git SVN look really complicated. The idea is to speed up the whole versioning process, not make it harder by having to do command line.
Right now, I'm hoping that there's a tool that would save a unique version of the file every time I hit Ctrl + S, and give me one button to create a finalized version.
There are two approaches to this problem:
It sounds like you would prefer #2, because it is "fool-proof" -- you never have to go, "oops, I should have 'checked in' / 'kept' my work before making this change." You can always roll back. One downside is that you have to manually step through the old versions to find something, because unlike with #1 you generally are not giving a description of each change.
Another downside is that for large files, or ones that are not easily diff'd/patched (i.e. binary files), you will start burning through disk space pretty fast..
As an aside, it sounds like you don't need 90% of the features in a standard SCM system -- branching, labeling, etc. -- but you might find uses for them eventually. So learning one may be a win in the long run. You can do this with svn, etc. but it will take some customizing. If you use a scriptable editor (emacs, vi, TextMate, whatever) you could redefine the "Save" command as "Save and make a new version".