I'm trying to find the minimum number in a array using Thrust and CUDA.
The following device example returns with 0 :
thrust::device_vector<float4>::iterator it = thrust::min_element(IntsOnDev.begin(),IntsOnDev.end(),equalOperator());
int pos = it - IntsOnDev.begin();
However, this host version works perfectly:
thrust::host_vector<float4>arr = IntsOnDev;
thrust::host_vector<float4>::iterator it2 = thrust::min_element(arr.begin(),arr.end(),equalOperator());
int pos2 = it2 - arr.begin();
the comperator type :
struct equalOperator
__host__ __device__
bool operator()(const float4 x,const float4 y) const
return ( x.w < y.w );
I just wanted to add that thrust::sort works with the same predicate.
Unfortunately, nvcc
disagrees with some host compilers (some 64 bit versions of MSVC, if I recall correctly) about the size of certain aligned types. float4
is one of these. This often results in undefined behavior.
The work-around is to use types without alignment, for example my_float4
struct my_float4
float x, y, z, w;