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Reason for the existence of non-short-circuit logical operators

When used with boolean operands, & and | become logical operators per Section 15.22.2 of the JLS. Unlike && and ||, however, these don't short-circuit; they always evaluate both sides. I have a silly question: Why are the less-efficient non-short-circuit logical operators (&, |) still there, when we have the more-efficient short-circuit logical operators (&&, ||)? I mean, what is the real usage of the non-short-circuit logical operators, as opposed to with the short-circuit logical operators? In other words, what is the usage of always evaluating both sides by using the non-short-circuit logical operators?


  • Consider the case where you want any side-effects to always occur, regardless of whether the left-hand expression evaluates true or false. E.g., contrast:

    if (foo() & bar()) {
        // Only call this if both operations returned true


    if (foo() && bar()) {
        // Only call this if both operations returned true

    Let's assume both foo and bar have effects that we want to have happen regardless of whether foo returns true or false. In the first one above, I know that bar will always get called and have its effect. In the latter, of course, bar may or may not get called. If we didn't have the non-short-circuit version, we'd have to use temporary variables:

    boolean fooResult = foo();
    boolean barResult = bar();
    if (fooResult && barResult) {
        // ...

    You might argue (I probably would) that you should do that anyway, because it's way too easy to misread if (foo() & bar()), but there we go, a pragmatic reason for having non-short-circuit versions.