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Grails URL mapping cause error on GSP

I have a site that have URL similar to this:


I have my URL mapping like this

    constraints {}

I am able to get to the controller correctly.

But on the GSP side

<g:link controller="controller">abc</g:link> ==> <a href="/mysite/controller/...">abc</a>

Notice how I lose the prefix between mysite and the controller.


  • You can use named url mappings and then pass the prefix as part of the params:


    name prefix: "/$prefix/$controller/$action?/$id?"{
        constraints {}


    <g:link mapping="prefix" params="[prefix:$prefix, controller:...]">abc</g:link>

    To use sortableColumn, just put all of the URLMapping parameters in the params property:

    <g:sortableColumn property="col" title="title" params="[ prefix: 'prefix', controller:'controller', action:'action']" />