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How to query a GORM Domain with a hasMany enum relationship to find entries containing only specific Enum values?

I'm working with a Grails application where I have a domain class that has a hasMany relationship with an enum. Here’s a simplified version of the code:

class Domain {
    static hasMany = [
        flags: Flags

enum Flags {

I need to write a GORM query that finds all Domain instances where the flags collection contains only the OTHER_VALUE enum value.

  1. How can I correctly formulate a GORM query that returns Domain instances where the flags collection only contains the OTHER_VALUE enum?

  2. Is there a specific way to handle hasMany relationships with enums in GORM that I’m missing?

Looking for something like

Domain.where {

however, the above isn't okay.


  • At first I thought HQL would be the simple answer on this but after giving it a shot, based on your current domain setup you will get unmapped table errors since DOMAIN_FLAGS isn't actually defined.

    Instead I dropped down to create a native SQL statement. This is the method I ended up with. You'll need the sessionFactory injected.

    List<Domain> sqlQuery() {
        def session = sessionFactory.currentSession
        def sql = """select d.* from domain d
            where in (
                select domain_id from DOMAIN_FLAGS
                group by domain_id
                having count(*) = 1 and max(flags) = 'OTHER_VALUE'
                .setParameter('flag', Flags.OTHER_VALUE.toString())