Im trying out JBox2d. I´ve been through a couple of tutorials, and got it up and running. Created four walls and a ball that should bounch. At the start the ball would bounce too little, just making 2-3 bounces then stopping suddenly. I managed to figure out this was due to:
* A velocity threshold for elastic collisions. Any collision with a
* relative linear velocity below this threshold will be treated as
* inelastic.
public static float velocityThreshold = 1.0f;
in the Settings. I tried fiddle with the value, and setting it to 0 seems to make it look real (I'm having it at 0.1 now since I guess 0 would be bad..). However, it bounces correctly a few times, getting lower and lower velocity, but then it reaches a point where it will simply continue bouncing forever. I have tried changing the mass, density, friction and restitution of the ball and world but nothing seems to help (If I set the ball restitution to < 0.2 it will stop, or at least look as if has stopped, I'm not sure what JBox2D thinks, I think its still working on sorting out the bouncing). Does anyone know how to fix this so that the ball will stop bouncing in the end?
You're messing with the wrong value. Take a look at your fixture definition, there's a value for restitution there. Check out the restitution test in the testbed for an example.
That value is for comparison in general for all the physics objects.