Im struggling to get a web method to work in VB. The javascript gets called but never seems to call the web method. I am running in debug mode and get no errors.
Here is the code:
Public Shared Sub PasteEvent(EventID As Integer,
startDate As DateTime,
endDate as DateTime,
newStart As DateTime)
' work out the diff between start and end
Dim difference As long = DateDiff(DateInterval.Minute,startDate,endDate)
' pasteStart + minutes from the event start
' this is because we can only paste on the hour, but events may have started after the hour
' ie 10:15
' new end = pastestart + diff
Dim newEnd As DateTime = newStart.AddMinutes(convert.ToDouble(difference))
' call database
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Blueprint").ToString())
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "spOPSCopyEvent"
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EventID", EventID)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartDate", newStart)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EndDate", newEnd)
cmd.Connection = conn
End sub
The javascript that calls it:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function eventCopy(eventID, start, end)
// grab the event id and store it in a hidden text box
function eventPaste(eventStart)
// Call a web method, passing the eventID and the new start time
var eventID = $("#ctl00_MainContent_hidCopyEventID").val;
var startDate = $("#ctl00_MainContent_hidCopyStart").val;
var endDate = $("#ctl00_MainContent_hidCopyEnd").val;
PageMethods.PasteEvent(eventID, startDate, endDate, eventstart)
So far I have :
Updated my script manager in the master page to have enablePageMethods="true"
Tried adding Imports System.Web.Services
Moved the javascript into the body rather than the head
The problem is that you are missing exception handling mechanism to see what error did you get .
Put try and catch in javascript and vb code and print the error.
Use the sniffer like Fidler to see what you are sending .
Try to print trace messages in web services using Trace.Log and you can see them after running DebugView and see where you are falling